Surgical Technology A 16 Dec Welcome to your Surgical Technology A NAME: EMAIL: Mobile: [What action should be taken when there is an incorrect sponge count and the patient is on the operating room table?] Document the correct amount and proceed with procedure Place sponges in a bag and isolate them in the operating room until the case is completed Place the sponges in a bag and immediately remove them from the operating room Discard them in the garbage in the operating room None . [Which instrument is used to divide the cystic following the ligation?] D E H G None . [A drug that constricts the pupil during ophthalmic surgery is:] Healon Miochol hyaluronidase atropine None . [The instrument used to enlarge the burr hole made during a craniotomy is a:] rongeur periosteal elevator Gigli saw Cloward punch None . [Which IV solution is similar to plasma, is water based and contains sodium, potassium, and calcium?] Dextrose 5% in water Ringer’s Normal saline Lactated Ringer’s None . [The doctrine of respondeat superior refers to:] the legal terms for assault and battery invasion of privacy employer liability for employee’s negligent conduct professional misconduct None . [Staphylococcus aureus would most likely be transmitted by:] urine feces nose and mouth sex organs None . [Specialized instruments for a cleft lip repair would include:] Cupid’s bow Logan’s bow arch bar wire scissors None . [Antiembolism or SCDs are placed on the patient’s legs prior to surgery to prevent:] thromboembolus cramping protection from metal parts of the OR table to assist in the range of motion None . [The colpomicroscope affords a view of the:] fallopian tube intraperitoneal structures cervix uterine endometrium None . [Which procedure requires a sterile setup?] Manual skin traction Skin traction Skeletal traction Closed reduction None . [Homologous refers to:] one’s own blood donated blood blood products synthetic blood products None . [What immune protection is available to the fetus?] Natural active Natural passive Active artificial Passive artificial None . [If a solution soaks through a sterile drape:] discard drape and replace it cover wet area with impervious sterile drape or towel cover wet area with at least two layers of fabric fill out an incident report at the end of the case None . [Disintegration of kidney stones through a liquid medium is accomplished with a/an:] nephroscope extracorporeal shock wave lithotripter laser cystoscope None . [The power source for air-powered dermatomes is:] compressed nitrogen nitrous oxide air Either A or C None . [When a negligence suit is filed against the hospital who is named?] The surgeon The RN The STSR Every person that has played a part in that surgery None . [Most packaged sterilized equipment from a manufacturer such as sutures, sponges, and disposable drapes are sterilized by means of:] ETO Cobalt 60 (ionizing radiation) gravity displacement sterilizer quaternary ammonium compounds None . [A sedative/tranquilizer used to reduce anxiety and apprehension of the preop patient is:] Valium Marzicon Anectine Demerol None . [Alcohol prep solutions should contain what percentage of isopropyl alcohol to be considered an effective prep solution] 70% 10% 50% None specific None . [Cheyne–Stokes breathing is defined as:] shortness of breath and breathing difficulty breaths are deeper and faster followed by a decrease in breathing. The breathing can sometimes stop for a short time. rapid breathing as in patients with a high fever fast deep labored breathing None . [A rib retractor is a:] Weitlaner Finochietto Harrington Beckman None . [A patient was burned on the lip with a hot mouth gag. Which of the following actions would have prevented this incident?] The circulator cooled the item in the sterilizer The scrub nurse warned the surgeon that the item was hot The scrub nurse cooled the item in a basin with sterile water The surgeon had checked the item before using it None . [Rickettsia are transmitted by:] S. aureus arthropod bites tape worms fungi None . [If the scrub nurse needs to change a glove during an operation:] the scrub must also regown the circulator pulls the glove off the scrub pulls the glove off the scrub uses closed gloved technique to reapply gloves None . [Standard precautions evolved from a practice called:] universal aseptic technique EBP the method of thinking and doing None . [How is inhalation of the laser plume best prevented?] Double mask worn by scrub team Filter on suction Laser on standby whenever possible Mechanical smoke evacuator on field None . [A central venous pressure (CVP) catheter insertion requires:] a sterile setup a crash cart an IV technician None of the above None . [Which statement is false regarding the position on the OR table?] Elbow should not rest against the metal table Feet should be uncrossed Pillows provide support and comfort to prevent strain Safety strap is 4 in below the knee None . [Ionizing radiation protection is afforded by the use of:] iron ebonized coating zinc lead None . Time's up