Welcome to your Echo - CVT- Noninvasive Name Email 1. [What is the abnormality seen on this transthoracic echocardiogram? (fig)] Aneurysmal left atrium Partial absence of the pericardium Thoracic aortic aneurysm Loculated pleural effusion None Comment . 2. [The continuous wave Doppler signal is suggestive of: (fig)] Severe aortic regurgitation Mitral stenosis Pulmonary hypertension Severe pulmonary regurgitation None Comment . 3. [Approximately how many pulses are required to obtain one line of color Doppler information?] 1 100 10 10 000 None . 4. [The numbers 1 and 2 denote: (fig)] Morphological left ventricle and aorta Morphological left ventricle and pulmonary artery Morphological right ventricle and pulmonary artery Morphological right ventricle and aorta None Comment . 5. [Prosthetic valve gradients are increased in following conditions except:] Anemia Febrile state LV diastolic dysfunction Hyperthyroidism None . 6. [A patient with a St. Jude mitral prosthetic valve no. 29 has a mean diastolic gradient of 7mmHg at a heart rate of 70 beats/min and a pressure half-time of 30 ms. This is consistent with:] Normal prosthetic valve function Prosthetic valve thrombosis Significant pannus growth Severe MR None . 7. [A 45-year-old male with end-stage liver disease. A saline contrast injection wasperformed The findings are suggestive of: (fig )] Right-to-left shunt across a PFO Right-to-left shunt suggestive of transpulmonary shunt Left-to-right shunt Cannot be determined None Comment . 8. [The signals from septum and LV lateral wall are those of: (fig)] LV strain Strain rate Velocity None of the above None Comment . 9. [This image shows: (fig )] Large left pleural effusion Large pericardial effusion with no evidence of tamponade Large pericardial effusion with features of tamponade Mirror image artifact None Comment . 10. [This continuous wave Doppler signal is suggestive of: (fig)] AS and AR Mitral stenosis (MS) and MR VSD flow Aortic flow in a patient with coarctation None Comment . 11. [In the patient in question 186, LV intraventricular asynchrony is:] 70 ms 140 ms 85 ms 130 ms None . 12. [The following are indicative of severe mitral regurgitation except:] Systolic flow reversal in the pulmonary veins Regurgitant fraction of >60% Effective regurgitant orifice area of ≥0.4 cm2 Vena contracta diameter of ≥3mm None . 13. [Ostium primum ASD is most commonly associated with:] Cleft in anterior mitral leaflet Cleft in septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve Patent ductus arteriosus Aortic stenosis None . 14. [A 45-year-old female was admitted to the hospital with complaints of acute onset of shortness of breath. This still frame shows: (fig)] Pleural effusion Pericardial effusion Normal heart None Comment . 15. [Common cause of aortic stenosis in a 50-year-old individual is:] Calcific Bicuspid aortic valve Unicuspid aortic valve Rheumatic heart disease None . 16. [A 53-year-old patient is undergoing dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE). At 20 μg dose, the blood pressure drops from 140/80mmHg to 80/50mmHg associated with severe nausea, and the heart rate dropped from 110/min to 60/min. The most likely cause of this response is:] Left ventricular cavity obliteration causing a vagal response Severe ischemic response due to multivessel CAD 2:1 A–V block produced by ischemia in right coronary artery territory None of the above None . 17. [Which of the following increases the Nyquist limit?] Increasing the depth Reducing the sample volume depth Increasing the transducer frequency None of the above None . 18. [Attenuation of ultrasound as it travels through tissue is higher at:] Greater depth Lower transducer frequency Blood rather than soft tissue like muscle Bone more than air None . 19. [Reflected ultrasound from an object moving perpendicular to the sound source will have a frequency:] Higher than original sound Lower than the original sound Same as the original sound Variable, depending on source of sound and velocity of the moving object None . 20. [The following data were obtained from a 72-year-old man with a calcified aortic valve: left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) velocity (V1) 0.8 m/s, transaortic velocity (V2) 4 m/s, LVOT diameter 2 cm. The calculated aortic valve area (AVA) is:] 0.4 cm2 0.6 cm2 0.8 cm2 1 cm2 None . Time's upTime is Up!