New Quiz 13 Nov Welcome to your Prep for Clinical Nutrition Certification NAME: Email: Mobile: 1. [An example of a food that is a good source of calcium is] olive oil. skim milk. oatmeal. lemonade. None . 2. [The characteristic symptoms of celiac disease are] vomiting and diarrhea. diarrhea and steatorrhea. abdominal pain and constipation. chronic, bloody diarrhea. None . 3. [The hormone that conserves body water is] vitamin D hormone. antidiuretic hormone. aldosterone. parathyroid hormone. None . 4. [The sudden shutdown of kidney function as the result of traumatic injury is called] nephrosis. glomerulonephritis. acute kidney failure. chronic kidney failure. None . 5. [During the school-age years, the rate of growth] increases rapidly. is slow and irregular. increases slowly. is similar to that during the preschool years. None . 6. [The percentage of energy from fat for a person with diabetes should be] 5% to 10%. 15% to 20%. 25% to 30%. 30% to 35%. None . 7. [In prolonged exercise, nutrient levels fall too low to sustain the body's continued demands, which results in] muscle spasm. muscular dystrophy. muscle fatigue. muscle cramps. None . 8. [Factors that contribute to malnutrition in older adults include] type 2 diabetes and heart disease. loss of teeth or poorly fitting dentures. a weight 10% above desirable standards. increased energy and nutrient needs. None . 9. [Exercise is beneficial to persons with diabetes because it] stimulates insulin secretion. increases the number of insulin receptor sites on cell membranes. reduces the need for glucose. increases the number of cells in the body. None . 10. [An example of a substance that can pass through a capillary membrane is] glucose. hemoglobin. plasma proteins. antibodies. None . 11. [Mucositis is an inflammation of the] stomach mucosa. intestinal mucosa. oral mucosa. pancreas. None . 12. [The maximal attainable heart rate for a 30 year old is _____ beats/min.] 145 165 180 190 None . 13. [The bone disease called osteodystrophy is associated with] glomerulonephritis. acute renal failure. chronic renal failure. nephrotic syndrome. None . 14. [Hypertension is common in some ethnic groups, including] Europeans. Asians. African Americans. Native Americans. None . 15. [The patient treated by peritoneal dialysis can increase _____ intake] protein phosphorus caloric fat None . 16. [Increasing the fiber content of the diabetic diet tends to] raise the blood glucose level. lower the blood glucose level. result in weight loss. decrease formation of ketones. None . 17. [The older adult's diet should include adequate carbohydrates to] provide a substrate for vitamins and minerals. support normal brain function. provide building material for muscle mass. maintain blood glucose level. None . 18. [Metabolically active tissues in the body include] the heart, muscles, and intestine. the brain, nerves, and hair. the liver, kidney, and fingernails and toenails. all body tissues. None . 19. [Nutrition therapy for hepatitis includes a diet that is _____ in protein, _____ in carbohydrate, and _____ in fat.] high, high, high low, high, low low, low, high high, high, moderate None . 20. [In cases of extreme starvation, the energy substrate most likely to be used as a last resort would be] glycogen. muscle mass. adipose tissue. amino acids. None . 21. [Hospitalized patients should be weighed] naked. every day. at the same time each day. before they go to the bathroom. None . 22. [The two minerals that occur in the extracellular fluid and regulate water balance are] calcium and potassium. sodium and chloride. phosphorus and magnesium. potassium and magnesium. None . 23. [Parents who use natural foods should be advised to] add honey to water if the infant is constipated. avoid giving honey to a child younger than 1 year. add honey to infant foods as a good source of energy. use only unprocessed honey. None . 24. [Physiologic problems of older adults include] diarrhea. increased salivary secretions. decreased thirst and taste sensations. increased muscle tone. None . 25. [The surgery in which the colon is attached to an opening in the abdominal wall is known as a(n)] cholecystectomy. ileostomy. colostomy. jejunostomy. None . 26. [A good snack for a patient with dumping syndrome is] cheese and whole grain crackers. applesauce and graham crackers. nonfat milk and pretzels. fig bars and juice. None . 27. [Older adults may be encouraged not to restrict their fat intake because] adequate fat intake helps ensure adequate vitamin intake older adults absorb fat more easily than carbohydrate. some higher fat foods may provide needed kilocalories. high-fat foods are easier to prepare than low-fat foods. None . 28. [A health claim as identified by the Food and Drug Administration would be] low sodium and the prevention of hypertension. a low-carbohydrate diet prevents obesity. supplemental vitamin A and the prevention of osteoporosis. high protein intake and the increased risk of cancer. None . 29. [Mary is a 32-year-old woman who admits to repeated episodes of eating large quantities of food at one sitting, including two boxes of cookies, a family-size bag of chips, six candy bars, and even more at times, then vomits to rid her body of the food. This would be an example of] anorexia nervosa. bulimia nervosa. fasting. compulsive overeating. None . 30. [Patients who receive chemotherapy drugs often develop anemia because the drugs] damage the bone marrow. prevent iron absorption. interfere with folate metabolism. destroy hemoglobin. None . Time's up