Optometry & Orthoptics 24 Dec Welcome to your Optometry & Orthoptics Name Email 1. [Anterior segment of the eyeball includes structures lying in front of the:] Iris Crystalline lens Vitreous body Cornea None . 2. [Preauricular lymph nodes may be enlarged in all except:] Bacterial conjunctivitis Viral conjunctivitis Allergic conjunctivitis Chlamydial conjunctivitis None . 3. [The most common cause of pulsating exophthalmos is:] Orbital varices Neurofibromatosis Cavernous haemangioma Caroticocavernous fistula None . 4. [Infantile nucleus of the crystalline lens refers to the nucleus developed from:] 3 months of gestation to till birth Birth to one year of age Birth to puberty One year of age to 3 years of age None . 5. [How do we measure the back vertex power of a given lens?] By keeping the back side of the lens against the lens holder By keeping the front side of the lens against the lens meter stop Keeping the back side of the lens against the lens meter stop By keeping the lens 4 mm above the optic center None . 6. [Pituitary tumour causes:] Binasal hemianopia Homonymous hemianopia Monocular blindness Bitemporal hemianopia None . 7. [Transpose: -6.75 DS / -4.50 DC x 35] -6.75 DC x 125 / -11.25 DC x 35 -6.75 DS / -11.25 DC x 125 -6.75 DS / -11.25 DC x 35 -11.25 DS / +4.50 DC x 35 None . 8. [Diameter of fovea centralis is:] 0.5 mm 1.0 mm 1.5 mm 2.5 mm None . 9. [Secondary deviation of the eye is an example of the following law:] Herring’s Listing’s Sherrington’s Donder’s None . 10. [Secondary tumour may spread to the orbit by all of the following except:] Direct spread from the lids Via blood stream Via lymphatic channels Directly from the cranial cavity None . 11. [Hirschberg test is used to detect:] Squint Field defects Glaucoma Optic atrophy None . 12. [In Bagolini striated glass test lenses are placed at:] 90° / 180 ° 160° / 70° 45° / 135 ° 40 ° /120 ° None . 13. [Follicular conjunctivitis are found in all except:] Herpes simplex conjunctivitis Drug induced Adult inclusion conjunctivitis Allergic conjunctivitis Molluscus contagiosum none None . 14. [Patient with field of view should be given orientation and mobility training: ] 10 degree or more 10 degree or less Equal to 10 degree None of the above None . 15. [‘Safe zone’ of the eye ball is:] At the limbus 3-4 mm behind the limbus 8-9 mm behind the limbus 12 mm behind the limbus 1 mm behind the limbus None . 16. [In optic atrophy pallor of the disc is an index of:] Degeneration of optic nerve fibres Loss of vascularty of the disc Demyelination of the optic nerve fibres All of the above None . 17. [Posterior segment of the eyeball includes structures present posterior to the:] Posterior surface of the lens and zonules Iris and pupil Vitreous body Anterior surface of the lens and zonules None . 18. [In allergic conjunctivitis the hypersensitivity reaction that is immediate is] Humeral Cellular Rejection None of the above None . 19. [Polariscope is used to detect:] Veins Bubbles Strain Feathers None . 20. [True about heterochromic uveitis:] Involves posterior surface of iris Involves anterior part of iris Involves posterior chamber Posterior synechiae None . 21. [Retinoscopy is used for visualising the:] Whole retina Only the peripheral part of the retina Detecting errors of refraction None None . 22. [Occipital lobe tumours may produce:] Crossed homonymous quadrantanopia Crossed homonymous hemianopia Both of the above None of the above None . 23. [Using PVEP techniques, 6/6 visual acuity is reached by] 3 months — 4 months 1 month — 2 months 8 months —1 year 1.5 — 2 years None . 24. [Fasanella Servat operation is specifically indicated in:] Congenital ptosis Steroid induced ptosis Myasthenia gravis Horner’s syndrome None . 25. [Toxic amblyopia is produced by:] INH Rifampicin Ethambutol Pyrazinamide None . Time's up