Welcome to your MRI - B Professional Name: Email: Contact #: [On Figure arrow L is pointing to the:] Anterior horn of the lateral ventricle Posterior horn of the lateral ventricle Cerebral aqueduct Third ventricle None Comment . [On Figure arrow A is pointing to the:] Corpus callosum Caudate nucleus Cerebral cortex Lateral ventricle None Comment . [A patient recovering from a seizure should be:] Placed in the recovery position (Sim’s) Instructed to lie on their back Administered emergency oxygen Helped to move to a more comfortable area None . [Figure is an example of a:] Spin echo acquisition Fast spin echo acquisition FLAIR acquisition Gradient echo acquisition None Comment . [On Figure arrow C is pointing to the:] Left kidney Spleen Liver Stomach Right lung None Comment . [To create a projection image in MRA, the technique most commonly employed is:] Multiplanar reconstruction Region of interest calculation Maximum intensity pixel Summation pixel projection None . [Magnetic field strength outside the imager is usually measured in:] Gauss Tesla Watts SAR None . [T2* is a result of dephasing due to a tissue’s T2 time and:] T1 Susceptibility, inhomogeneities, and chemical shift Molecular weight a and b None . [On Figure arrow G is pointing to the:] Fundus Myometrium Junctional zone Endometrium Cervix None Comment . [On Figure arrow A is pointing to the:] Rectus muscles Temporal lobe Sylvian fissure Condyle of the mandible Meniscus None Comment . [On Figure arrow B is pointing to the:] Liver Spleen Gallbladder Head of the pancreas Body of the pancreas Tail of the pancreas None Comment . [Scan time for 2D GRE pulse sequences can be calculated by:] TR × #PEs × NSA TR × #PEs × NSA × # slices TR × #PEs × NSA/ETL TR × #shots × NSA None . [Figure is an example of a:] T1-weighted image (whereby fluid is dark and fat is bright) T2-weighted image (whereby fluid is bright and fat is darker) Spin (proton) density-weighted image (whereby both fat and fluid are bright) FLAIR image [whereby the signal from fluid is “attenuated” or “suppressed” (dark) and the signal from fat is brighter] None Comment . [On Figure arrow A is pointing to the:] Tibia Talus Navicular Calcaneus Fibula None Comment . [On Figure arrow H is pointing to the:] Cruz of the diaphragm Adrenal gland Right kidney Left kidney Pancreas None Comment . [It is acceptable for the general population to be exposed to a field strength of:] 2.0 Tesla 4.0 Tesla 8.0 Tesla 0.5 Gauss None . [On Figure arrow B is pointing to the:] Abdominal aorta Abdominal aortic aneurysm Common iliac artery Internal iliac artery None Comment . [On Figure arrow G is pointing to the:] Popliteal artery Anterior tibialis artery Posterior tibialis artery Peroneus brevus artery None Comment . [On Figure arrow G is pointing to the:] Talus Navicular Cuboid Calcaneus Plantar surface None Comment . [On Figure arrow A is pointing to the:] Patella Femoral medial condyle Femoral lateral condyle Tibia Fibula None Comment . Time's up