Welcome to your MLT- Professional Name: Email: Phone Number: [A vancomycin-resistant gram-positive coccobacillus resembling the Streptococcus viridans group was isolated from the blood of a 42-year-old female patient undergoing a bone marrow transplant. The PYR and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) tests were negative. The following results were noted: Catalase = Neg CAMP = Neg Esculin hydrolysis = Neg Gas from glucose = + Hippurate hydrolysis = Neg 6.5% salt broth = Neg What is the correct identification?] Leuconostoc spp. Enterococcus spp. Staphylococcus spp. Micrococcus spp. None . [Which immunoglobulin appears in highest titer in the secondary response?] IgG IgM IgA IgE None . [Which organism, associated with tuberculosis in cattle, causes tuberculosis in humans, especially in regions where dairy farming is prevalent?] Mycobacterium avium–intracellulare complex Mycobacterium kansasii Mycobacterium marinum Mycobacterium bovis None . [Which statement regarding reflectometry is true?] The relation between reflectance density and concentration is linear Single-point calibration can be used to determine concentration 100% reflectance is set with an opaque film called a white reference The diode array is the photodetector of choice None . [Which of the following is the primary mechanism for vasopressin (ADH) release?] Hypovolemia Hyperosmolar plasma Renin release Reduced renal blood flow None . [What is the difference between a microarray and a macroarray DNA assay?] The number of targets is larger on a macroarray The molecular size of each target is larger on a macroarray The amount of each target is larger on a macroarray The substrate used for a macroarray is different from a microarray None . [Kjeldahl’s procedure for total protein is based upon the premise that:] Proteins are negatively charged The pKa of proteins is the same The nitrogen content of proteins is constant Proteins have similar tyrosine and tryptophan content None . [Electrophoretic movement of proteins toward the anode will decrease by increasing the:] Buffer pH Ionic strength of the buffer Current Voltage None . [What would be the most likely designation by the WHO for the FAB AML M2 by the French–American–British classification?] AML with t(15;17) AML with mixed lineage AML with t(8;21) AML with inv(16) None . [Which of the following parameters may be similar for the anemia of inflammation and iron deficiency anemia?] Normocytic indices Decreased serum iron concentration Ringed sideroblasts Pappenheimer bodies None . [In gas chromatography, the elution order of volatiles is usually based upon the:] Boiling point Molecular size Carbon content Polarity None . [A Gram stain from a gum lesion showed what appeared to be amoebae. A trichrome smear showed amoebae with a single nucleus and partially digested PMNs. The correct identification is:] Trichomonas tenax Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar Entamoeba gingivalis Entamoeba polecki None . [Plate 27 shows a urinary sediment viewed under 400× magnification using brightfield microscopy. This colorless crystal is presumptively identified as:] Calcium phosphate Acetaminophen Cystine Hippuric acid None Comment . [Which could account for drug toxicity following a normally prescribed dose?] Decreased renal clearance caused by kidney disease Discontinuance or administration of another drug Altered serum protein binding caused by disease All of these options None . [A comparison of methods for the determination of alkaline phosphatase is categorized in which domain of educational objectives?] Affective Psychomotor Cognitive Behavioral None . [Lysine iron agar (LIA) showing a purple slant and a blackened butt indicates:] E. coli Citrobacter spp. Salmonella spp. Proteus spp. None . [Which method has been used successfully to reduce contamination in the preamplification stage of PCR?] Substitution of deoxyuridine triphosphate for deoxythymidine triphosphate in the master mix Use of low-molecular-size primers Use of a denaturation temperature above 95°C Pretreatment of samples with antisense RNA None . [Which of the following clotting factors are activated by thrombin that is generated by tissue pathway (TF-VIIa)?] XII, XI XII, I I, II V, VIII None . [Select the equation describing the potential that develops at the surface of an ion-selective electrode.] van Deemter equation van Slyke equation Nernst equation Henderson–Hasselbalch equation None . [Would an hCG test using a monoclonal antibody against the β-subunit of hCG likely be affected by an increased level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)?] Yes, the β-subunit of FSH is identical to that of hCG No, the test would be specific for the β-subunit of hCG Yes, a cross reaction would occur because of structural similarities No, the structure of FSH and hCG are not at all similar None . [Serological tests for which disease may give a false-positive result if the patient has Lyme disease?] AIDS Syphilis Cold agglutinins Hepatitis C None . [Which laboratory test is used to screen for activated protein C resistance?] Mixing studies with normal plasma Mixing studies with factor-deficient plasma Modified APTT with and without activated protein C Modified PT with and without activated protein C None . [A serum thyroid panel reveals an increase in total T4, normal TSH, and normal free T4. What is the most likely cause of these results?] Primary hyperthyroidism Secondary hyperthyroidism Euthyroid with increased thyroxine-binding protein Subclinical hypothyroidism None . [Fletcher factor (prekallikrein) deficiency may be associated with:] Bleeding Thrombosis Thrombocytopenia Thrombocytosis None . [Which of the following is true regarding granulocyte concentrates?] The product must contain a maximum of 1.0 × 10^10 granulocytes The pH must be 6.0 The product must be crossmatched The product must be irradiated None Comment . [The basic pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for producing signs and symptoms in leukemia include all of the following except:] Replacement of normal marrow precursors by leukemic cells causing anemia Decrease in functional leukocytes causinginfection Hemorrhage secondary to thrombocytopenia Decreased erythropoietin production None . [Which genus (in which most species are oxidase and catalase positive) of small gram-negative coccobacilli is associated mainly with animals but may cause endocarditis, bacteremia, as well as wound and dental infections in humans?] Actinobacillus Pseudomonas Campylobacter Vibrio None . [An instructor “curved” a blood bank exam given highest grade was an 85% and the lowest grade was a 60%. What type of test is this?] Subjective Objective Norm referenced Criterion referenced None . [p21 is a GTP binding protein produced by which oncogene?] RET Ras HER-2/neu N-Myc None . [When dealing with the instruction of complex instrumentation, a demonstration by the instructor is necessary and should include the following:] Detailed diagrams of the electrical system A blueprint of the optical system A step-by-step narrative with comparisons to a manual method A quiz as soon as the demonstration is complete None . Time's up