Welcome to your Surgical Technology A NAME: EMAIL: Mobile: [When would the use of Esmarch be contraindicated?] Patient has had previous anesthesia Patient has had recent injury Patient has had recent cast Both B and C None . [How many milliliters are in 1 oz?] 10 30 75 100 None . [The Bookwalter is a _________ instrument.] clamping holding suturing retracting None . [Cochlear implants utilize an electrode device:] to restore hearing to aerate the mastoid to allow drainage to relieve vertigo None . [Gravity displacement utilizes ________ to destroy microorganisms.] gas radiation gamma rays steam None . [Which inhalation agent is used for short procedures requiring no muscle relaxation?] Nitrous oxide Halothane Ethrane Forane None . [Bioterrorist agents include all EXCEPT:] anthrax botulism small pox bubonic plague None . [As grossly soiled instruments are returned to the scrub, they should be:] placed in a basin of sterile saline to soak off debris wiped off with a sponge moistened with water or soaked in a basin of sterile distilled water wiped off with a dry sponge discarded so that the circulator can clean them thoroughly None . [All are ways to identify a patient EXCEPT:] address patient by their full name and state the surgery they are having examine the patient’s identification band and compare with the name and number on the chart ask the patient to state their full name, do not call the patient by their name before asking ask the patient to tell you what procedure they are having None . [A tourniquet is utilized:] only in lower extremity bleeding only when hemorrhage is not controlled by other methods in all venous bleeding in all arterial bleeding None . [Damage to or loss of specimens results in:] an incorrect diagnosis repeat or needless surgery delayed treatment All of the above None . [One gram equals:] 100 mg 1,000 mg 100 mL 1,000 mL None . [What gives red blood it’s color?] Platelets Neutrophils Hemoglobin Hematocrit None . [The bacteria highly resistant to sterilization and disinfection is:] spores fungus Gram-positive Pseudomonas None . [All are facts regarding operating room tables EXCEPT:] they have break points at head, waist, knee, foot they can be controlled manually or electrically there is no weight limit they are positioned under the OR lights and away from main door None . [A criteria that identifies, measures, monitors, and evaluates patient care is:] audits automated information systems quality control circles quality assurance programs None . [Nitrous oxide should never be used on which procedure?] Shoulder arthroscopy Circumcision Tympanoplasty Closed fracture None . [A blood flow detector is a:] Doppler Gruentzig Moretz Warren None . [The name of the instrument is:] Toomey Microvasive evacuator Bulb Ellik None Comment . [The Lempert elevator is used in surgery of the:] eye nose ear bones None . [A sedative/tranquilizer used to reduce anxiety and apprehension of the preop patient is:] Valium Marzicon Anectine Demerol None . [The binocular microscope provides stereoscopic vision. This refers to:] the view afforded by double eyepieces the color projected on the field the magnification capability the illumination process None . [On which setup would either a Pereyra or a Stamey needle be found?] Urological Eye Orthopedic Thoracic None . [All are false in regards to linear staple guns except:] The GIA gun places two double rows of staggered staples and has a blade that ligates in between the staples and divides the tissue This is commonly used to ligate small vessels, small tubular structures and example would be the omentum Commonly used on tubular structures of the lower GI track, distal colon or rectum Two clips are placed proximal and distal on a structure and can be cut with a blade or scissors to divide the structure None . [A general consent form is:] a form authorizing all treatments or procedures a form for all patients having general anesthesia a form for all patients having hazardous therapy another name for an operative permit None . [What instrument provides retraction of the posterior vaginal wall?] B D E F None Comment . [What is the name of the instrument in Figure 15–11?] Nephrostomy tube Fogarty T-tube Cigarette drain None . [Which drug is the antagonist to heparin?] Depo-Medrol Papaverine Protamine sulfate Dantrolene None . [An osmotic diuretic agent used to decrease cerebral edema and intraocular edema is:] Diuril furosemide papaverine mannitol None . [Intravenous (IV) lines and fluids should be:] lower than the patient’s body level with the patient’s arm higher than the patient’s body it really does not matter None . Time's up