Welcome to your Radiography Name: Email: [Routine chest radiography is performed:] At the end of full inspiration At the end of full expiration At the end of the second full inspiration With the patient supine or upright None . [Effective dose limits may be found in what published material?] Dose limit reports NCRP reports Environment Protection Agency reports Health and Human Services reports None . [Structure D is the fig.] Zygomatic arch Anterior nasal spine Bony nasal septum (perpendicular plate of ethmoid and vomer) Angle of mandible None Comment . [Critique Figure ] Radiograph was taken with interpupillary line parallel to IR Radiograph was taken with MSP perpendicular to IR Radiograph was taken with interpupillary line perpendicular to IR Radiograph was taken with MSP parallel to central ray None Comment . [What condition is marked by abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain?] Hydrocephalus Paget disease Osteoporosis Rickets None . [Which photon-tissue interaction produces radiation that may expose others in the room during fluoroscopy?] Compton Coherent Photoelectric Pair production None . [An uncontrolled area must be kept under what dose weekly?] 5 μSv 10 μSv 15 μSv 20 μSv None . [The dynamic range for digital imaging is:] Wide Narrow Unrelated to diagnostic imaging None . [A positive contrast agent that may be administered to a patient when barium sulfate is contraindicated is called:] Barium thiosulfate Iodine Air Aqueous iodine compound None . [The structure designated as III is the fig. ] Tubercle Lateral condyle Medial condyle Intercondylar eminence None Comment . [An integrated system of images and information is called:] DICOM DDR CR/DDR PACS None . [The electricity provided to the radiology department operates at:] 120 pulses per second 60 pulses per second 110 pulses per second 220 pulses per second None . [What type of infection transmission is defined as being spread primarily on contaminated items, food, or water?] Contact transmission Airborne transmission Droplet transmission Common vehicle transmission None . [Spatial resolution is:] Photographic representation of the part being radiographed Controlled by kVp Controlled by mAs Geometric representation of the part being radiographed None . [In digital fluoroscopy, the image must be turned into digital form by what device?] Digital-to-analog converter Flux capacitor Analog-to-digital converter DVD-ROM None . [For radiography of the fingers, the central ray enters:] Perpendicular to the distal interphalangeal joint Parallel to the distal interphalangeal joint Parallel to the proximal interphalangeal joint Perpendicular to the proximal interphalangeal joint None . [The magnitude of the signal differences in the remnant beam refers to:] Subject contrast IP contrast Window level Spatial resolution None . [What is the smallest particle of an element that retains the characteristics of the element?] Mole Atom Molecule Quark None . [Choose all that are properties of x-rays (choose 6):] Electrically negative Affect film emulsion Scatter and produce secondary radiation Invisible to the human eye Travel at the speed of light (186,000 miles per hour) Possess wavelengths between 1 Å and 5 Å Travel in bundles of energy called photons Can ionize matter and gases Can be focused by collimators Cause phosphors to fluoresce None . [CR cassettes should be erased at least:] Every 24 hours Every 48 hours Every 3 months Weekly None . [Common vehicle transmission involves:] The spread of infection in crowded forms of public transportation, such as jet aircrafts, subways, and trains Food, water, medications, and equipment Animals Plants None . [Digital imaging is driven by:] kVp mAs IR speed class Exposure None . [Which device reduces voltage and provides current to produce an electron cloud or space charge at the filament?] Step-down transformer Rectifier Cathode Timer None . [What condition is caused by loss of a large amount of blood or plasma?] Anaphylaxis Cardiogenic shock Hypovolemic shock Septic shock None . [Grid conversion factor (Bucky factor) is described as the:] Height of the lead strips divided by the distance between the lead strips Distance between the lead strips divided by the height of the lead strips Number of lead strips per inch or centimeter Amount of exposure increase necessary to compensate for the absorption of image-forming rays and scatter in the cleanup process None . [The prominent point of the elbow is called the:] Olecranon, part of the radius Semilunar notch Trochlea Olecranon, part of the ulna None . [The annual effective dose limit for the general public, assuming infrequent exposure, is:] 5 mSv 500 mSv 0.5 mSv 50 mSv None . [Which of the following units would be used to describe the radiation present in a fluoroscopic room?] Bq Sv Gya Gyt None . [X-rays travel as bundles of energy called:] Energy waves Phasers Electromagnetic bursts Photons None . [Barium sulfate is classified as a(n):] Dissolvable organic salt Inert inorganic salt Nonionic contrast agent Iodinated contrast agent None . Time's up