Welcome to your Radiography Name: Email: [Critique Figure] Radiograph was taken with central ray angled 15 degrees caudad Radiograph was taken with central ray angled 0 degrees Radiograph was taken with central ray angled 15 degrees cephalad Radiograph was taken with MSP perpendicular to central ray None Comment . [Natural background radiation represents what percentage of humans’ radiation exposure?] 21% 50% 82% 5% None . [The structure designated as IV is the fig.] Medial epicondyle Trochlea Lateral epicondyle Ulnar head None Comment . [Mathematical codes used to generate the digital image are called:] Binary codes Algorithms Binary digits Bytes None . [When a nongrid technique using 10 mAs and 75 kVp is changed to a 12:1 grid using 75 kVp, what new mAs must be used to create the same image?] 50 mAs 2 mAs 40 mAs 120 mAs None . [The electricity provided to the radiology department is:] 110 Hz or 220 Hz DC 60 Hz AC 60 Hz DC None . [What describes torts?] Violations of criminal law Considered part of personal injury law Provide for compensation for injury Violations of civil law that are part of personal injury law and provide for compensation for injury None . [The structure designated as II is the fig. ] Carpometacarpal joint Interphalangeal joint Proximal phalanx Metacarpophalangeal joint None Comment . [What agency publishes radiation protection recommendations?] ICRP NCRP NRC ASRT None . [Structure A is the fig. ] Pedicle Spinous process Transverse process Lamina None Comment . [An artificial increase in display contrast at an edge of the image is:] Smoothing Edge enhancement Contrast resolution Spatial resolution None . [The average dose to active bone marrow as an indicator of somatic effects on a population is called:] Doubling dose Bone dose GSD Mean marrow dose None . [Radiation safety standards assume what relationship between dose and response?] Linear-threshold Nonlinear-nonthreshold Linear-nonthreshold Nonlinear-threshold None . [Effective dose limit is:] The level of radiation that an organism can receive before formation of cancer Age × 1 mSv for occupationally exposed individuals 50 mSv per month for occupationally exposed individuals 50 mSv per year for occupationally exposed individuals None . [Edge enhancement provides:] Artificial increase in display contrast at an edge of the image Artificial increase in display brightness at an edge of the image Artificial increase in spatial resolution at an edge of the image None . [Air must not be injected when performing venipuncture because:] An air embolus would form and may become fatal to the patient Most examinations requiring injection are not air contrast studies It would interfere with the iodine It would prevent visualization of the iodine None . [Critique Figure ] Radiograph is unacceptable; radius and ulna should be superimposed Radiograph is unacceptable; tibia and fibula should be superimposed Radiograph is acceptable, but only one joint is needed Radiograph is acceptable None Comment . [Critique Figure ] Radiograph was taken with interpupillary line parallel to IR Radiograph was taken with MSP perpendicular to IR Radiograph was taken with interpupillary line perpendicular to IR Radiograph was taken with MSP parallel to central ray None Comment . [The amount of radiation that causes the number of genetic mutations in a population to double is called the:] Threshold dose Doubling dose Mutagenic dose Genetic dose None . [Structure B is the fig.] Intervertebral foramen Spinous process Pedicle Lamina None Comment . [Wavelength and frequency are:] Directly proportional to each other Inversely proportional to each other Inversely proportional to the square of their distance Unrelated to each other None . [Which of the following would be applicable to radiation therapy?] Inverse square law Law of Bergonie and Tribondeau Reciprocity law Ohm’s law None . [Structure G is the fig.] Medial condyle Lateral epicondyle Lateral condyle Tibial plateau None Comment . [The structure designated as II is the Fig. ] Coronoid fossa Olecranon Semilunar notch Radial head None Comment . [For the parietoacanthial projection (Waters) for the sinuses, the OML forms an angle of how many degrees with the cassette?] 53 45 25 37 None . [This type of infection transmission occurs when an animal contains and transmits an infectious organism to humans:] Contact transmission Airborne transmission Droplet transmission Vectorborne transmission None . [Patient respiration when imaging the lower ribs is:] Suspended at the end of deep inspiration Suspended Suspended at the end of second inspiration Suspended at the end of expiration None . [The accuracy of collimation at a 72-inch SID must be:] ± 1.44 inches ± 7.2 inches ± 3.6 inches ± 0.02 inch None . [As speed class decreases, patient dose:] Increases Decreases Remains the same None . [Which of the following procedures should a radiographer be prepared to assist with at any time?] Cardiac massage Defibrillation Feeding tube insertion CPR None . Time's up