Mammography 19 Dec Welcome to your Mammography Name: Email: [What does the glandular dose measure?] the average dose to the patient’s skin the absorbed dose to the skin the absorbed dose at the tissue level the same as the entrance skin dose None . [The fatty versus fibroglandular nature of breast tissue is affected by which of the following? 1. age 2. hormone use 3. number of pregnancies] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Identify the lactiferous sinus in Figure.] site A site B site C site D None Comment . [Which projection gives a mirror image of the MLO?] ML LM LMO AT None . [Identify the projection in Figure.] TAN FB XCCL RM None Comment . [A woman should perform breast self examination (BSE) monthly to] become familiar with both of her breasts localize cancerous lumps recognize breast dimpling discover nipple discharge None . [Today all mammographers (radiographer performing mammograms independently) must have 1. satisfied the interim requirements of the FDA 2. completed at least 40 contact hours of documented training in mammography 3. performed at least 25 examinations under direct supervision of a qualified mammographer] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [A lesion on the lateral aspect of the breast is not seen on the CC. An additional projection used to image the lesion could be the] CV XCCL FB TAN None . [The tumor seen in Figure is characteristic of] invasive ductal breast carcinoma a mammographically malignant tumor a mammographically benign tumor a low-density tumor typical of benign None Comment . [Visual inspection done during CBE involves] feeling for changes in the breast looking for changes in the breast palpating the breast examining areas under the armpit None . [The mammogram of a woman age 50 who has recently started estrogen replacement therapy is likely to be] more fibroglandular than her past mammographic study more fatty that her previous mammogram less fibrous and less glandular than her previous studies unchanged from her previous mammograms None . [Which of the following is used as a treatment for estrogen-dependent tumors in post- and premenopausal women?] radiation therapy chemotherapy tamoxifen antibody therapy None . [An asymptomatic patient presents with an oval, lobulated tumor with unsharp margins.There is no evidence of a halo sign.] If the lesion is also radiolucent it is likely to be benign. The lesion could be malignant. All oval lesions are benign. The absence of a halo indicates malignancy. None . [The criteria for a properly positioned MLO includes 1. a concave pectoral muscle on the anterior border 2. fat visualized posterior to the fibroglandular tissues 3. an open inframammary fold (IMF)] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Glandular tissue is usually found in the _______ of the breast] medial and lower inner quadrant central and upper outer quadrant medial and lower outer quadrant central and upper inner quadrant None . [In addition to the routine series, many postmastectomy patients will also need a] CC MLO ML CV None . [The circular pigmented area around the nipple is called the] skin areola Montgomery gland ampulla None . [With its high sensitivity, MRI is ideal as] a routine screen tool for breast cancer a replacement for mammography screening in detecting breast cancers an adjunctive tool in detecting breast cancer None . [A grid is not necessary during magnification because] grid use decreases spatial resolution the small focal spot used will compensate for the loss of image detail the large OID produces the same effect as a grid magnification will magnify the normally invisible grid line None . [The compression force should not exceed _______ on the initial power drive (automatic) mode.] 25 lb 35 lb 40 lb 45 lb None . [Some considerations that could be given to women with painful breasts include 1. having the patient take ibuprofen prior to the mammogram 2. scheduling the mammogram just after the menstrual cycle 3. explaining, before the examination, the importance of compression] 1 only 1 and 2 2 and 3 1, 2, and 3 None . [Lymph drainage from the medial half of the breast is generally directed to the] internal mammary lymph nodes external mammary lymph nodes axillary lymph nodes axilla None . [An ultrasound of a lesion showed a spherical mass with smooth regular borders, anechoic interior, and acoustic enhancement. The lesion is likely to be a] fibroadenoma abscess simple cyst ductal carcinoma None . [Which projection is used to prove breast calcifications are benign (teacup type)?] CC XCCL FB ML None . [A cyst aspiration can only be performed] under ultrasound guidance using mammographic imaging using MRI guidance none of the above None . [In the rolled medial (RM) position, the lower surface of the breast is rolled in which direction?] laterally medially inferiorly superiorly None . [If the residual hypo in the mammography film exceeds 0.05 g/m2 or 5 g/cm2, this can indicate 1. improper washing of the film 2. improper fixer replenishment 3. the film will have poor archival quality] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Magnification can be used to assess the] margins of a lesion size of a lesion location of a lesion density of a lesion None . [Antiestrogen drugs such as tamoxifen can be used to 1. slow or stop the cancer’s growth 2. prevent breast cancer in high-risk women 3. prevent the recurrence of breast cancer] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Typically, a patient with dense fibrous and glandular tissue throughout the entire breast on a baseline mammogram is] age 20 or younger between age 50 and 60 above 70 below 45 None . [For the SIO projection, the central ray (CR) is directed] inferolateral to superomedial superomedial to inferolateral inferomedial to superolateral superolateral to inferomedial None . [Which alternative projection could be used, in addition to the CC, in imaging a patient with a prominent pacemaker?] ML lateromedial oblique (LMO) XCCL MLO None . [In mammography, the commonly used focal spot size for routine work is] 3 mm 0.3 mm 1 mm 0.1 mm None . [A patient with pectus excavatum may present a positioning problem because the patient has] extensive pectoral muscle barrel chest kyphosis depressed sternum None . [If the AEC cell is placed over an area of adipose tissue on a breast with a mixture of adipose and glandular tissue, the areas of glandular tissue will be] underexposed overexposed normally exposed the AEC cell position will not affect the exposure None . [In the test for screen contact there were multiple points of small areas (<1 cm in diameter) of poor contact. The corrective action is to] replace the cassettes; this result is not acceptable repeat the test return the cassette to clinical use clean the screens, wait 15 minutes, then repeat the test None . [A procedure whereby the lactiferous duct is cannulated and a small amount of contrast agent is injected into the duct is termed] ductography needle localization pneumocystogram FNA None . [In the optimum position of the patient for the CC projection, the patient’s head is turned] toward the side under examination away from the side under examination depending on the preference of the mammographer to the patient’s right None . [The normal breast may have] 0–5 lobes 15–20 lobes 30–40 lobes 340–350 lobes None . [A highly recommended labeling that is not required by the MQSA is] technologist/mammographer identification date stickers technical factors flash card identification system None . [In the dedicated mammography unit, the single intensifying screen is positioned in contact with the film emulsion on] the side of the IR away from the x-ray source the side of the film facing the x-ray source the side of the IR facing the x-ray source either side—the placement does not matter None . [Identify the projection shown in Figure.] RM CV RL MLO None Comment . [The retromammary space is filled with] supportive and connecting tissue adipose tissue fibroglandular tissue blood vessels None . [The air gap in magnification increases subject contrast by] increasing scatter reducing scatter reducing motion increasing motion None . [The Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) requires that the maximum compression for the initial power drive not exceed] 100 newtons 200 newtons 400 newtons 500 newtons None . [Ideally, in an open surgical biopsy, when should a breast tissue specimen be imaged?] immediately after surgery within 24 hours of the surgery while the patient is still in the recovery room before the surgery is terminated None . [Radiation therapy can be used 1. combined with other treatment options 2. to kill any remaining cancer cells in the breast, or chest wall area 3. to shrink the size of a tumor before surgery] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [A major cause of radiographic noise is] image graininess quantum mottle poor contrast resolution motion None . [Which of the following involves the use of a thin needle to remove cell samples from a suspected cancerous lesion in the breast for cytological analysis?] core biopsy excisional biopsy needle localization fine needle aspiration (FNA) None . [Which of the following characteristics are unique to mammography cassettes?] must be easy to open should be durable generally have a single intensifying screen should have low absorption characteristics None . [Compression of the breast is most effective and most comfortable when applied against the] medial and lateral aspects inferior and superior aspects medial and superior aspects inferior and lateral aspects None . [In establishing processing quality control operating levels, the speed index is designated as the density] closest to but not less than 2.20 closest to but not less than 1.20 closest to but not less than 0.45 2.20 or higher None . [A barrel-chested patient whose chest wall protrudes outward may have breast tissue extending laterally under the arm. What projection, used to image the breast with the beam directed superiorly to inferiorly, should be taken in addition to the CC?] AT XCCL CV MLO None . [The type of x-rays created from displacement of K-shell-binding electrons in the molybdenum atom are called] coherent scattering characteristic radiation Compton effect bremsstrahlung radiation None . [Identify the projection in Figure.] TAN from below (FB) XCCL ML None Comment . [A lesion located in the upper outer quadrant of the right breast is located in the] 5-o’clock position 2-o’clock position 10-o’clock position 7-o’clock position None . [The mammogram shows an oval-shaped lesion with mixed density. The lesion has a central radiolucent area and is freely movable. This lesion is most likely to be a] fibroadenoma hematoma lymph node galactocele None . [Why is the specimen magnified?] to ensure that the lesion has been completely removed to visualize the calcifications within the specimen to compare the magnified and nonmagnified images to check the number and placement of calcifications None . [If, after examining a phantom image, the number of visualized fibers or masses has changed significantly, the next step is to] record the new values call the medical physicist call the equipment service personnel check the mammography unit or the image processor None . [Although it often means losing some of the lateral breast tissue, in imaging for the craniocaudal (CC) projection, most experts advise a slight rotation of the patient’s body to maximize imaging of the medial breast tissue. Why?] Medial breast is imaged best on the CC. Medial breast is imaged only on the CC. Slight rotation avoids distorting the medial breast. The slight rotation enables ease in positioning. None . [One of the minor risk factors for breast cancer could include] gender aging genetic risk factors not breast-feeding None . [Densities on the sensitometric strip and phantom image were recorded as follows: density inside the disk = 1.23, the middensity = 1.25, the background density = 1.68, the density adjacent to the disk = 1.66, and the highest density = 1.69. What is the density difference (DD) on the phantom image?] 0.42 0.43 0.44 0.45 None . [The absorbed dose in mammography is generally _______ the entrance skin exposure (ESE).] significantly higher than significantly lower than about the same as slighter higher than None . [Identify the position/projection shown in Figure.] FB XCCL ML AT None Comment . [The design of the lip of the compression paddle (both height and angle along the chest wall) affects all of the following except that it] prevents the posterior and axillary fat from overlapping the body of the breast allows uniform compression of the posterior breast tissue helps to increase structural strength of the compression paddle ensures greater compression of the anterior breast tissue None . [The last degree of compression should be applied] using manual compression after the breast is released from compression with the automatic compression device with the mammographer’s hand between the breast and the compression paddle None . [Increased kVp during mammography is sometimes necessary to penetrate dense fibroglandular tissue. Increased kVp, however,generally causes] increased subject contrast decreased subject contrast motion unsharpness less scatter None . [Which of the following quality control tests does not require a densitometer?] darkroom fog screen-film contact screen cleanliness phantom images None . [The greatest disadvantage of magnification is] increased OID increased patient dose decreased subject contrast increased risk of motion unsharpness None . [Typically, grid ratios in mammography range from] 7:1 to 8:1 6:1 to 7:1 4:1 to 6:1 3:1 to 5:1 None . [A galactocele is] a lesion associated with trauma to the breast a benign milk-filled cyst associated with eggshell-like calcification associated with a central radiolucent hilus None . [Which of the following patients is likely to be diagnosed with pathological gynecomastia?] lactating woman elderly man premenopausal woman young man None . [The specimen is compressed to] reduce motion unsharpness reduce radiation exposure reduce tissue thickness reduce the magnification factor None . [Rhodium is not used as the primary anode material when imaging thinner breast because] rhodium has an emission spectrum similarto tungsten the higher energy of the rhodium beam is unsuitable for thinner breast the lower energy of the rhodium beam is unsuitable for thinner breast rhodium anodes are more expensive None . [All the fluorescent tubes in the mammography view box should be replaced at the same time because] Fluorescent tubes decrease in brightness with age. Fluorescent tubes will only last about 18–24 months. They have a higher luminescence than conventional tubes. It saves time to replace them all at the same time. None . [A lipoma] is generally seen as a high-density radiopaque lesion on the mammogram can be a huge encapsulated lesion occupying the entire breast may have irregular borders typical of malignant lesions is usually difficult to image mammographically None . [Radiation therapy is a treatment that utilizes] drugs to treat cancer that may have spread high-energy radiation to destroy cancer cells radioactive tracers to track the path of cancer to the lymph nodes potent pain medication to treat the severe pain from cancer None . [Figures A and B are mammograms of the same patient. Figure B was taken 6 months after Figure A. These mammograms demonstrate a] resolving oil cyst galactocele radial scar hematoma None Comment . [In high-contrast imaging or conventional imaging] skin detail is easily seen bright light is needed to see skin detail glandular tissue and skin detail are seen equally glandular tissue and skin detail are seen poorly None . [Variation in compression levels causes 1. inadequate exposure on one portion of the breast 2. over- or underexposure in other portions of the breast 3. adequate exposure throughout the breast] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 only None . [In the LMO projection, the beam is directed from the] upper inner aspect to the lower outer aspect of the breast inner outer aspect to the upper outer None . [During pregnancy and lactation, the breast] shows increased density increases in fatty content atrophy of glandular structures shows decreased density None . [The grid ratio can vary in modern mammography units. A common grid ratio used is] 8:1 6:1 4:1 2:1 None . [The primary purpose of the grid in mammography is to] improve image sharpness reduce the production of scatter reduce patient dose increase the subject contrast None . [Using a cassette with poor film screen contact will result in] a noisy image localized unsharpness motion unsharpness a lower subject contrast None . [Approximately how much contrast agent is injected into the breast during ductography?] 1–5 cc 15–25 cc 30–40 cc 50–100 cc None . [Over age 40, it is recommended that women have a CBE every] year 2 years 3 years 4 years None . [Which procedure is performed to obtain cellular material from a suspicious area for cytological analysis?] Ductography Needle localization Pneumocystogram Fine needle aspiration (FNA) None . [The portion of the breast that holds the milkproducing element is the] ampulla segmental duct lobule lactiferous sinus None . [A “camel’s nose” breast contour can be prevented in the MLO projection by] including all of the breast under the compression paddle angling the image receptor parallel to the pectoralis muscle properly supporting the breast during compression ensuring that the nipple remains in profile during compression None . [In mammography imaging, exposure factors used depends on all of the following except] the patient target material screen/film combination viewing conditions None . [If the backup time stops a breast exposure, the mammographer can repeat the radiograph using a] higher kVp setting greater density compensation higher mAs setting different AEC setting None . [The posterior nipple line (PNL), visualized on the ML, should be within how many centimeters of the PNL on the CC?] 0.25 0.50 1.00 1.50 None . [The two main classifications of breast cancer are 1. ductal 2. lobular 3. medullary] 1 only 2 only 1 and 2 only 1 and 3 only None . [Figure indicates ?] mammographically benign calcifications malignant calcifications keratosis fibroadenomas None Comment . [Which of the following could be used when imaging extremely small breasts in the craniocaudal (CC) position?] spatula ML cleavage (CV) exaggerated craniocaudal (XCCL) None . [A thin supportive layer located between the basal surface of the epithelium and the connective tissue layer of the lobule is called] chief cells myoepithelial basement membrane superficial A cells None . [When imaging a small breast, scattered radiation can be minimized by 1. increasing compression 2. reducing kVp 3. reducing field size] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [In imaging the augmented breast in the CC position, using the modified implant displaced technique, the breast tissue is pulled/pushed] anteriorly posteriorly inferiorly superiorly None . [Question content The material used for the exit port of the mammography tube is necessary because] The intensity of the beam is less on the anode side than on the cathode side. Regular glass would harden the emerging beam. The intensity of the beam is more on the anode side than the cathode side. Regular glass would soften the emerging beam. None . [In positioning terminology, CV means] compressed position Cleopatra view cleavage view compression view None . [Increasing the kVp will influence the 1. optical density on the image 2. penetrating power of the beam 3. subject contrast and exposure latitude] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [The best time for a woman to perform a BSE is] before the start of the monthly period just after the period starts within 5–10 days after the start of the period anytime None . [Mercury in a glass-type thermometer is not recommended for use in QC testing because 1. Mercury is potentially inaccurate. 2. Mercury is a potential source of contamination. 3. Glass-type thermometers may break.] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [An infusa-port can be used to] provide radiation therapy treatment allow repeated access to the venous system infuse radioactive tracers directly into the breast lesion infuse drugs directly into the arterial system None . [The radial scar or sclerosing duct hyperplasia 1. can sometimes be mistaken for carcinoma 2. sometimes has a solid dense central tumor 3. is usually not associated with skin thickening or dimpling over the lesion] 1 only 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only None . [The breast can be imaged in the FB projection 1. to improve visualization of lesions in uppermost aspect of breast by reducing object-to-image receptor distance (OID) 2. during needle localization to provide a shorter route to inferior lesions 3. to maximize the amount of tissue visualized in patients with kyphosis] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Conventional ultrasound imaging of the breast is often used to] map the extent of a breast tumor verify that a lesion seen on the mammogram is solid or fluid filled verify the presence of microcalcifications biopsy a lesion seen only on MRI None . [Hardcopy viewing of the digital imaging describes] displaying the image on the mammographer’s workstation for further enhancement the only image viewed by the mammographer the image that is sent for interpretation the ability to reduce the cost associated with repeats None . [Magnification is contraindicated 1. when imaging the mastectomy site 2. in specimen radiography 3. as a normal/routine screening tool] 1 only 3 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only None . [Breast tissue can extend medially to the] latissimus dorsi muscle midsternum retromammary space inframammary crease None . [After a routine four-projection mammographic series, the nipple is not seen in profile on any of the images. Additional projections are done if 1. the nipple is indistinguishable from a mass 2. a subareolar abnormality is suspected 3. the nipple is not marked with a BB (lead shot)] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [A health-care provider should evaluate which of the following breast changes? 1. lumps or swellings 2. skin irritation or dimpling 3. milky discharge from the nipple] 1 only 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Why is the MLO preferred to the ML as a routine projection?] The MLO visualizes the medial breast. The ML does not visualize the medial breast. The ML poorly visualizes the posterior and lateral breast. The MLO does not distort the anterior structure of the breast. None . [Women with lumpectomy should have magnified images taken of the tumor bed to 1. confirm the removal of the cancer 2. check calcium deposits that may result from radiation and surgical changes 3. check for recurrence of the cancer] 1 and 2 2 and 3 1 and 3 1, 2, and 3 None . [Figure shows] invasive ductal breast carcinoma mammographically malignant calcifications mammographically benign calcifications numerous oil cysts None Comment . [Since 1989, the death rate from breast cancer has declined because] more cancers are discovered at a later stage more cancers are discovered at an earlier stage the long-term survival rate for breast cancer patients is stable patients who survive 5 years will survive an additional 10 years None . [Regardless of the reason, if the proper amount of compression cannot be applied which of the following must apply?] the patient must be told the patient’s doctor must be told the radiologist must be told it must be noted on the patient’s history form None . [One box of film should be dedicated to processing QC because] it is easier to track the repeat rate multiple boxes introduce multiple variables overall film density may cause fogging films need consistent handling None . [Gynecomastia defines] a localized abscess increased breast tissue in the male breast decreased breast tissue in the female breast None . [If any breast tissue is poorly imaged or missed on the MLO projection it is likely to be] medial breast tissue lateral breast tissue inferior breast tissue superior breast tissue None . [The use of low kVp and high mAs will serve to] reduce radiographic noise and increase subject contrast reduce subject contrast and reduce radiographic noise increase radiographic noise and reduce subject contrast increase subject contrast and increase radiographic noise None . [The darkroom fog test is performed] semiannually monthly weekly daily None . [Which projection could be used to demonstrate a deep medial lesion not seen on the CC?] axillary tail (AT) XCCL CV MLO None . [For the daily quality control testing, the baseplus- fog level should remain within] +0.15 of the established levels +0.10 of the established levels +0.30 of the established levels +0.03 of the established levels None . [Ductal papilloma is] a benign proliferation of tissue in the male breast a malignant tumor involving the ducts a collection of blood in the breast, which can occur after surgery benign growths involving the milk ducts None . [In which of the following are breast cysts more common? 1. young women in their early 20s 2. premenopausal woman 3. postmenopausal woman on estrogen therapy] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Selection of rhodium anode/filter combination for a fatty breast 1. overpenetrates the fatty breast 2. alters the penetrating power of the beam 3. results in loss of subject contrast] 1 and 2 only 1 and 3 only 2 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Increased OID causes loss of image detail in magnification mammography. What factors help to compensate for this loss of image detail? 1. compression of the part 2. decreased focal spot size 3. increased OID] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [In addition to the patient’s name, all mammographic reports should have the 1. final assessment of findings 2. hospital number or additional patient identifier 3. name of the radiologist] 1 and 2 only 1 and 3 only 2 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Quantum mottle on the image is reduced by] high kVp high mAs motion fast intensifying screens None . [According to MQSA regulations, which of the following is not required on the final mammographic image?] date of the examination technical factors used mammographer/technologist identification cassette/screen identification None . [If too much upper axilla and shoulder are under the compression paddle when imaging for the MLO, the effect is to] inhibit proper compression of the upper breast inhibit proper compression of the lower breast ensure equal compression of the upper and lower breast ensure proper compression of the lower breast None . [Which of the following statements are true? 1. Breast cancer death rates in United States are going down. 2. Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women in United States. 3. The second leading cause of cancer death in women in United States is breast cancer.] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [A routine series on patients with encapsulated implants could include an additional projection such as the] AT CC MLO ML None . [In imaging the breast in the MLO projection, compression to the lower portion of the breast is compromised if 1. the image receptor is too high 2. the patient has a protruding abdomen 3. too much axilla and shoulder are under compression] 1 and 2 only 1 and 3 only 2 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [To select a 12% increase in mAs before exposure, the mammographer could] use the density compensation circuit double the selected mAs activate the backup timer readjust the AEC selector None . [The circular mixed-density lesions seen in Figure suggests a] calcified microhematomas galactocele, calcified malignant calcification epidermoid cyst None Comment . [Proving that a darkroom fog failure is a result of safelight problems involves] moving the safelight at least 6 ft from the work surface repeating the test with the safelights checking for light leaks around the doors and passbox changing the filter on the safelight None . [Seventy-seven percent of breast cancers are discovered in women in which age group?] age 30 or below above age 50 between ages 30 and 40 above age 20 but below age 30 None . [Which projection is used to determine if a lesion is medial or lateral to the nipple?] CC MLO TAN ML None . [Spot compression 1. applies more compression to a localized area 2. can be performed with magnification 3. employs a coned collimated field to limit the area of interest] 1 only 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [The calcification seen in Figure have the typical appearance of] an oil cyst plasma cell mastitis calcification a small calcified hematoma a calcified sebaceous gland None Comment . [Paget disease of the breast is a(an)] infiltrating carcinoma generally limited to the breast form of carcinoma associated with changes of the nipple benign breast condition that is relatively common malignant form of breast carcinoma involving the lobules None . [Increasing the kVp by two points will] force a doubling of exposure time reduce the exposure time by half have no effect on the exposure time increase the subject contrast None . [Which factors cause increased skin dose in magnification? 1. larger OID 2. smaller focal spot size 3. increased mAs] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [One major difference between collimation in mammography and collimation in general radiography is that] in mammography the entire image receptor area is exposed decreasing collimation increases exposure in mammography mammography uses a variety of beam limiting devices in radiography the entire image receptor area is always exposed None . [After a four-projection mammogram, calcifications are visualized superior to the nipple but only on the MLO projection. What additional projection would best be used to locate the position of the lesion?] exaggerated craniocaudal (XCCL) cleavage (CV) ML AT None . [Identify the projection shown in Figure.] MLO CV LM ML None Comment . [Patients who are allowed to play an active role in applying the compression are usually 1. less likely to tolerate the compression 2. more likely to tolerate the compression 3. more relaxed during the compression] 1 only 2 only 1 and 3 only 2 and 3 only None . [In digital imaging a repeat analysis test is] unnecessary—digital imaging automatically corrects exposure mistakes necessary—digital imaging cannot correct for overexposure unnecessary—digital imaging corrects unsharpness by altering the spatial display necessary—digital imaging cannot correct factors such as motion unsharpness None . [A woman taking estrogen replacement therapy may notice changes in the breast such as 1. breast enlargement 2. lumpy breast 3. cysts] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [When is imaging of the irradiated breast recommended?] immediately after treatment 1–2 months after treatment 6–12 months after treatment 1–2 years after treatment None . [Which of the following patients has the greatest risk for breast cancer?] A nulliparous woman at age 40 A never married woman A woman, age 70 A woman, age 30 None . [When visually inspecting the breast, the changes that should be recorded include 1. changes in size and shape 2. changes in texture or color 3. indentations] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Anatomic parts with low subject contract will have] sharp difference in x-ray absorption very little difference in x-ray absorption the same x-ray absorption characteristics similar x-ray absorption characteristics None . [All of the following are characteristics of double emulsion film/screens combination. Which characteristic makes these systems undesirable in mammography use?] They are less susceptible to imaging dust and dirt than the single emulsion systems. They do not require extended processing times to develop optimum contrast and speed. The screens are very efficient at converting x-ray energy to visible or ultraviolet light. The system has a lower spatial resolution than the single emulsion systems. None . [MRI imaging involves the use of] radiation to detect breast lesions sound waves in the imaging of the breast magnetic properties plus radio waves to image the breast strong sound and radio waves in imaging the breast None . [The MLO projection demonstrates a large encapsulated lesion occupying almost the entire breast. The contour is sharp and the lesion is radiolucent. This lesion is most likely to be a(an)] oil cyst hematoma fibroadenoma lipoma None . [Core biopsy techniques developed as an alternative to surgical biopsy because this technique provided a larger sample of the area of suspicion and thus more information than] ductography needle localization pneumocystogram FNB None . [A galactocele] is always radiolucent is usually associated with trauma is associated with nursing usually has irregular borders None . [Hormone replacement therapy could be recommended to? 1. relieve insomnia symptoms 2. prevent osteoporosis 3. reduce weight gain] 1 only 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Daily processor control is used to 1. determine the film speed 2. check the film contrast 3. check the stability of the processor] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [A keratosis is demonstrated mammographically as a] sharply outlined multilobulated lesion sharply outlined lesion with a halo mixed-density circular lesion with a radiolucent center mixed-density oval lesion None . [Identify the projection in Figure.] rolled medial (RM) mediolateral (ML) XCCL mediolateral oblique (MLO) None Comment . [Chemotherapy] involves the use of drugs to treat cancer that may have spread is the destruction of cancer cells using high-energy radiation involves mapping the area around a tumor with the injection of a radioactive tracer involves the use of drugs to treat cancer that may have spread None . [If any of the visual checks fail, the first step is to] correct or replace the item call the medical physicist call the processor service call the equipment service representative None . [What immediate action is used to reduce motion unsharpness in mammography?] compression low mAs (milliamperes per second) low kVp (kilovoltage peak) small focal spot size None . [Between ages 20 and 39, a woman should have a CBE every] year 2 years 3 years 4 years None . [Delaying the processing of films will affect the 1. speed of the film 2. film contrast 3. density of the film] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Fatty tissue is generally _______ and on the mammogram is seen as areas of _______ optical density.] radiolucent/lower radiopaque/higher radiolucent/higher radiopaque/lower None . [Your patient’s sister had breast cancer. Your patient is considered to have] a greater risk for breast cancer a lower risk for breast cancer no significantly increased risk for breast cancer None . [Optical densities less than 1.0 in the dense glandular tissue of the breast is considered a/an] underexposure overexposure normal exposure above average but not overexposure None . [A rolled projection can be performed to 1. remove superimposed tissues 2. separate superimposed breast tissue 3. determine the location of a finding seen only on one of the standard projection] 1 and 2 only 1 and 3 only 2 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [The structure that gives the breast its support and shape is called] Montgomery ligament Cooper ligament fibroglandular tissue fatty tissue None . [To reduce the possibility of imaging the abdomen in the MLO position, the mammographer could] have the patient stand just at the image receptor and bend back have the patient stand away from the image receptor and bend forward have the patient turn medially to image the lateral breast on the CC discard the MLO and image the breast in the lateral position instead None . [When imaging the breast using the MLO projection, drooping breast can be a result of which of the following? 1. too much compression of the anterior breast 2. too little compression of the anterior breast 3. too much axilla included in the compression field] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Unlike conventional x-ray tubes, some mammography tubes are tilted 7.5–12 degrees from the horizontal. The effect of this is to 1. allow the use of smaller focal spot size 2. minimize the heel effect 3. increase resolution] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [In which modified projection is the superior aspect of the breast rolled medially?] RM RL M LM None . [In the CC projection, a technique especially useful in maximizing the amount of lateral breast tissue imaged on the small-breasted patient with rounded shoulders is] 5-degree lateral tube angulation 5-degree medial angulation using a straight tube the ML projection None . [Radiation changes that the breast may exhibit include 1. erythema 2. edema 3. hardening] 1 and 2 2 and 3 1 and 3 1, 2, and 3 None . [Identify the projection in Figure.] TAN FB XCCL ML None Comment . [A lesion is superimposed by breast tissue in the CC projection. A projection used to demonstrate the lesion in the same projection and free of superimposition is the] MLO ID XCCL RM None . [In positioning for the superior-inferior oblique (SIO), the _________ of the breast will rest on the image receptor.] lateral surface superior surface medial surface inferior aspect None . [The patient’s medical history and documentation will 1. provide the radiologist with information on the patient’s risk factors for breast cancer 2. give the radiologist information about general symptoms of breast cancer 3. provide information about possible benign breast conditions of the patient] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Film fog is best demonstrated on the characteristic curve as] the straight-line portion of the graph the toe of the graph the shoulder of the graph the shift of the graph to the left None . [In the CC projection of the breast, the IR is positioned] at the level of the raised inframammary crease below the level of the raised inframammary crease at the level of the inframammary crease just below the level of the inframammary crease None . [Breast reconstruction can involve the placement of small fluid-filled sacs behind the pectoral muscle. Two common types of such implants are] saline and flap surgery TRAM flap and silicone implant silicone or saline implants saline-filled implant and latissimus dorsi flap implant None . [Medical history is important in 1. assessing risk factors for breast cancer 2. preventing breast cancer 3. evaluating treatment options] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [What effect does compression have on Compton interactions?] The absolute number of Compton interactions increases. The absolute number of Compton interactions decreases. Compression has no affect on Compton interactions. Compression affects Compton interaction only above 70 kVp. None . [In conventional imaging, the leading cause of false-negative mammograms in dense breast tissue is] motion overexposure underexposure grid lines None . [The craniocaudad mammograms of the same woman prior to menopause and 1 year after the onset of menopause are compared. The woman has never taken synthetic hormones. What is the most likely difference?] The mammogram taken prior to menopause shows signs of atrophy. The mammogram taken after the onset of menopause shows signs of atrophy. There will be little or no change in the glandularity of the breast. The mammogram taken after menopause will show increased glandularity. None . [The operating level density difference (DD) for the phantom should be at least] 0.40 0.80 0.02 1.20 None . [The 5-year survival rate for a patient with a stage 0 breast cancer is about] 49% 76% 88% 100% None . [Contrast resolution in conventional imaging refers to the ability to] image high-contrast small objects such as microcalcifications distinguish anatomic structures with similar subject contrast visualize recorded detail when image contrast and optical density are optimized visualize recorded detail None . [During a mammogram, which of the following will affect the average glandular dose per breast? 1. degree of breast compression 2. the half-value layer (HVL) of the x-ray beam 3. breast size and composition] 1 only 2 only 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Most AEC circuitry in modern mammographic imaging has at least three detectors. Three or more detectors are recommended because] Multiple detectors allow for maximum variations in breast size and tissue density. AEC detectors eliminate the guesswork in determining the proper exposure factor for each patient. Detectors have the ability to terminate the exposure by back-up timer when a maximum exposure time or maximum milliamperes (mA) per second is reached. All AEC detector systems provide consistent image densities because of the high-contrast mammography films. None . [The right craniocaudal (RCC) of the routine imaging series showed a small, irregular shaped lesion at the edge of the image plus scattered calcifications including calcification clusters (Figure). The next immediate step would be1. spot compression including magnification2. additional imaging to include the margins of the lesion3. ultrasound] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only None Comment . [During needle localization, breast positioning should provide the shortest skin-to-abnormality distance in order to 1. minimize trauma to the breast 2. ensure minimal excursion of the biopsy needle into the breast 3. reduce the possibility of needle deflection] 1 and 2 only 1 and 3 only 2 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [Your patient has had recent chest surgery and has a scarred and painful area running along the sternum. With the medial aspect of the breast immobile, which of the following is an alternative to the RMLO?] RLMO LMLO LLM RML None . [How many projections are routinely required to image a patient with implant augmented breasts?] 5 6 7 8 None . [In establishing processor quality control (QC), the high average density is generally the density closest to] but not less than 2.20 but not less than 1.20 but not less than 0.45 2.20 None . [Mammography is more accurate in] premenopausal women postmenopausal women women with fibrocystic breast women with dense breast tissue None . [The from below (FB) projection utilizes a beam directed] perpendicular to the image receptor horizontally tangentially parallel to the image receptor None . [A small but growing cancer is often not obvious to the individual because it often presents as] skin irritation inverted nipples a painless mass a painful mass None . [The lesion seen in Figure is not palpable and is not associated with nipple or skin changes. It is likely to be] invasive ductal breast carcinoma a mammographically malignant tumor a mammographically benign tumor nonspecific; further testing is indicated None Comment . [The primary goal of compression is to] reduce the OID of the lesion allow uniform penetration of structures within the breast reduce the possibility of motion during the exposure reduce the radiation dose to the breast None . [What is the major disadvantage of magnification?] reduced resolution of the image increased patient dose increased scattered radiation none of the above None . [The Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) mandates that the average glandular dose received per projection/position during routine screen-film mammography cannot exceed] 100 mrad 200 mrad 300 mrad 400 mrad None . [Cooper ligaments attach anteriorly to the] deep fascia of the lobes fascia of the skin posterior surface of the breast connective and supporting stroma None . [A mammogram shows a low-density radiopaque tumor. It is oval, lobulated, and a halo is seen along one border only. The next step should be] pneumocystogram ultrasound biopsy no further testing; the tumor is benign None . [In taking medical history, hormones use (both natural and artificial) are taken into account because 1. hormones cause breast cancer 2. early menarche can increase breast cancer risks 3. contraceptive use can increase breast cancer risk] 1 and 2 only 2 and 3 only 1 and 3 only 1, 2, and 3 None . [In imaging the breast for the CC projection, what technique is used to minimize skin folds in the lateral aspect of the breast?] lift the posterior lateral aspect of the breast onto the image receptor drape the contralateral breast over the corners of the image receptor have the patient’s head turned away from the breast being imaged on the side being imaged, the patient’s None . [The projection best used to demonstrate the true representation of medial breast structures in relation to the nipple is the] LM