Welcome to your Occupational Therapy Email: 1. [using a cane or a walker, can put some weight on the leg immediately] Humerus Fracture complications Uncemented Prosthesis After surgery Weight bearing Cemented Hip replacement Rehab median nerve injury causes None . 2. [1. check "are you finished"? 2. general feedback 3. specific feedback 4.provide alternative approach 5. task modification] how to encourage movement of involved shoulder to prevent shoulder hand syndrome? standard cue levels common pinch and grasp patterns how to position to prevent shoulder hand syndrome? None . 3. [Holds cultural celebration Has parades and demonstrations Shows national affiliations or allegiances Follows religious/spiritual/cultural practices like using holy water when leaving and entering or praying while facing Mecca] Group/population ritual examples Types of Activity and Occupational Demand Where do we learn about ethical behavior? What is the purpose of a framework? None . 4. [-blood clots in the leg (DVTs) -difference in leg length -infections(UTIs) or difficulty urinating -stiffness -dislocation of hip (ball pops out of socket) -infection in the joint -infection or dislocation, may require re-operation] THR risks Safe Position Resting Position Amputations HAND None . 5. [1. Describes core values that guide members toward ethical courses of action 2. Outlines enforceable principles and standards of conduct that apply to AOTA members] What are 2 purposes of the AOTA code of ethics? What are the 6 principles of the Code of Ethics? What are the 5 domains of OT? What are the occupational therapy core values? None . 6. [Document and a public statement tailored to address the most prevalent ethical concerns of the occupational therapy profession; it outlines standards of conduct the public can expect from those in the profession] What is the AOTA code of ethics? What is client centered care? What are the variables of culture? Group/population role examples None . 7. [Affective Cognitive Perceptual] Demand: Relevance and importance to client What are the different types of occupations? ___ are Cognitive content held as true Description of Body Functions: Mental Functions None . 8. [Freedom] ___ is allocation of income, wealth, and power in society ___ is to demonstrate concern and well being and safety of others ___ is treating all people impartially and without bias ___ is people having the right to choose None . 9. [-caused by not doing anything -result in soft tissue tightness] what is Carpal Tunnel syndrome? why does immobility occur? Signs of dislocation Intertrochanteric fractures None . 10. [Child Occupational Self Assessment : based on MOHO •Designed for a range of children, not specific to a diagnostic category •Appropriate for ages 8-13 •Child needs to have adequate cognitive abilities for self-reflection •24 statements in which child rates personal competence and importance •Allows the therapist to see the child's self-perception of his/her strengths and weaknesses and what he/she sees as important •Child's opinion is often absent! COSA allows you to get their point of view and level of insight!] Building Rapport: COSA OT Process: Screening PDMS-2 Test Administration PDMS-2: Grasping Subtest None . 11. [a 10 cm line and tell them on end is 0 and one is 10 and you ask them to physically make a mark, on back is cm increments, if it falls after 7 it may be 7.5 and if it sdiff than last time, know theres improval] visual field cut types of intervention grading of ADLs visual analog scale None . 12. [Refers to our sense of movement and the pull of gravity, related to our body.] Linear movement Fine Motor Postural Insecurity Vestibular None . 13. [functional: weight acceptance accomplishments: forward progression, stability, shock absorption pelvis: anterior rotation & lateral tilt (hip hike) - gluteus hip: flexion-gluteus knee: flexion-quadriceps-eccentrically ankle: plantar flexion - gastrocnemius arm-posterior rotated] Osteokinematics: early swing/initial swing Functional Task: Accomplishments: Joint Positions & Muscles: Osteokinematics of Gait: Initial Contact/Heel Strike Functional Task: Accomplishments: Joint Positions & Muscles: Osteokinematics: terminal swing/late swing Functional Task: Accomplishments: Joint Positions & Muscles: Osteokinematics: Flat Foot/load response Functional Task: Accomplishments: Joint Positions & Muscles: None . 14. [1. impingement 2. immobility] how to position to prevent shoulder hand syndrome? how to maintain wrist ext to prevent shoulder-hand- syndrome TTWB percentage of weight on limb and what device to use what are the 2 possible reasons for shoulder pain? None . 15. [-physical capacity testing -finger-nose-finger -rapid, alternating movements (arm rotation, forearm rotation, finger tapping)t] types of intervention what is sensibility? to assess msucle tone how do we assess GM? None . 16. [the horizontal distance between the 2 feet] What is ambulation: What is step width? What is the most mobile aspect of the spine? What is gait cycle? None . 17. [-non standardized (interviews and observations) -standardized tests and measures -criterion referenced (compared to a standard) -norm referenced (compared to others) -eclectic (elements of all)] rate of perceived exertion chart an assessment can be.. any extras to know from history? assessment components examples None . 18. [• BOT-2 can give good picture of child's motor planning, ability to follow directions, fine motor skills, coordination, strength and endurance. • Recommended subtests: Fine Motor Precision, Fine Motor Integration, Manual Dexterity, Upper Limb Coordination, Bilateral Coordination • Occasionally use Strength and Balance Subtests in older children to help assess motor planning and body awareness, strength and endurance. Less often use Running Speed and Agility due to space issues • Caveat: if it's not done can't score the Strength and Agility section.] BOT-2 Test Administration BOT-2 Subtests Important in OT Assessment How to select methods/measures: What happens with my evaluation findings? None . 19. [Context] ___ are the variety of interrelated conditions that are within and surrounding the client. Includes cultural, personal, temporal, and virtual. ___ are Habits, routines, roles, & rituals used in the process of engaging in occupations or activities that can support or hinder occupational performance ___ are principles, standards, or qualities considered worthwhile by the client who holds them ___ are Symbolic actions with spiritual, cultural, or social meaning contributing to client's identity & reinforce values & beliefs. None . 20. [• Motor is ONE component of what you will assess when in the clinic • ONE component does not tell the WHOLE story! • Dysfunction occurs when components of one or more of the body systems are rigid, impaired, or inflexible • Need to consider gross motor, fine motor, sensory, visual, visual-perceptual, emotional, and cognitive domains/skills to be comprehensive] How to select methods/measures: